
TUMO Kyiv – Learning Coach


TUMO Center for Creative Technologies is looking for a tech savvy learning coach to join the TUMO Kyiv team to support teens as they progress through TUMO’s self-learning activities. At TUMO you will get a chance to inspire and mentor teens by sharing your passion and skills for technology and design. 

What is TUMO?
TUMO is an after-school program designed to put teens in charge of their own learning. TUMO was founded in Yerevan Armenia in 2011 and has since expanded, opening centers in Paris, Beirut, Berlin, Tirana and now Kyiv. Under the TUMO educational program, students learn skills at the intersection of design and technology.

TUMO Kyiv students will select from skills including: animation, 3D modeling, programming, robotics, filmmaking, graphic design, music and game development. While at the center, students develop their skills through self-learning content and then graduate into workshops led by experienced professionals. 

Main Responsibilities:
Learning Coaches work directly with students to:

  • Assist them in the design of their personal learning plans through TUMO’s in-house software 
  • Support their learning process
  • Offer guidance towards the completion of learning activities
  • Provide encouragement and motivation to teens learning new skills 
  • Assist in workshop and project coordination in various technology related areas
  • Track student attendance and provide feedback regarding student development, take measures to engage and inspire reluctant students
  • Convey a positive, patient, supportive and professional image to students
  • Promote learning by creating a collaborative and energized environment 
  • Provide feedback to TUMO content evaluators in the development of new learning activities and the fine-tuning of existing activities

  • Excellent people skills and experience in working with teenagers
  • Willingness to develop higher order skills such as creativity, analytical thinking and initiative taking, as well as organizational capabilities such as teamwork, communication and research skills
  • Experience with the web and use of online resources and tools is a plus
  • Excellent communication skills, including written communication, personal interaction and public presentation
  • Language: Ukrainian (fluent), English (intermediate and higher)

Application Procedure:

Interested candidates should submit a resume and portfolio via our site. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.


2021-01-26 18:25